Power Of Positive Thinking – Embracing A Vibration

Vibration – 💭

Physics – An oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave.

Informal- a persons emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.


Sympathetic Vibrations –

Sympathetic resonance or sympathetic vibration is a harmonic phenomenon where in a formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which is has a harmonic likeness.

If you embrace the vibration most associated to that which you desire, if you look into your life as if acquiring which you imagine, and if you make actionable steps and create a deep rooted belief in your being, by nature, eventually you will have created a vibrational resonance in your heart, that will inevitably be the missing puzzles piece that will bring the vision into fruition. You are the player. We, individually are the creator of this game.  Get in alignment with this stuff and beam like the sun. Its quite amusing.


What the Flying Fu*k does this mean?


Did I lose your attention in these boring ass explanations of physics? Should we get into atoms, molecules, or quarks at a subatomic level, and how they are related to the conscious and subconscious mind?  Slow down please… okokokokok

How does this shit actually relate to me, to us, as a physical person. I’m just flesh and bone right?


We are energetic beings of potential. Real ass spit, excuse my French, and my strange use of a metaphor.  I use to know about visualizing,  positive thinking, and its importance, but never fully understood the scientific formula of what was at play, happening beneath the surface, what couldn’t be seen with the naked eye or tangible to the human finger. Every one has heard about the law of attraction. Or the book The Secret. In my perspective they miss on a couple crucial aspects of the idea of the law of attraction, and not fully accomplish something for the reader too fully relate to, nor mention taking actionable steps that are in alignment with your thoughts to generate more power.  To me, it was a little “woohoo” for the everyday reader! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved thew book, and thought a lot of the ideas were super powerful. Buttt lets level it up a little bit shall we?

The universe is our guide, we are just a vessel expressing itself in the purest of forms. That which we create in our mind, is exactly what we create in our future. With consistent commitment and action towards the corresponding vibration, our experience has no option but to gift us,  our embodied manifestations.  By nature


Einstein explains himself that thought is energy. Everything is energy. Some vibrating at slower speeds, other vibrating at much more dense speeds. The more loving, compassionate, and grateful the thought, the higher , faster, and  more complex it vibrates. The more negative of thoughts, vibrate at a much slower, weak speed.


In cymatics you see the higher vibration, the more complex the design. I want to point out a major epiphany that occurred in my life years ago, that made this woohoo positive  thinking thing so much more real for me, and why its apart of my life. We, yes us humans, are made out of 70 percent water. Our earth, is also made of 70 Percent water. Our universe is made up of 70 percent hydrogen. what do you get when you mix oxygen with hydrogen? Fuc*ing water. H2O. (First off, well 7th off What is this 70 percent thing, and is there a different molecule we could add to hydrogen, to get some sort of other magnificent reality, or life building tool? different post) If our thoughts alone have the power to change the structure of a water molecule, and there is proof in the pudding (Dr. Emotto’s tests) , do you think our thoughts may really be playing a larger role in our experience than once thought before  (was that a pun, nvm?) Our thinking really effects our atomic structure. It really effects how we feel. Everything is responding to thought, more so a vibration. And by nature attracts that of a similar vibration into our experience.

Want to step things up a bit?


Thought is energy, right? Right.  It instills a vibration. almost like downloading a program. How do you really catapult a vibration or a program? Through a belief. You download new software. Through reps, through action, through affirmations, through creative visualizations. look into the happening, into the completeness of what you desire, embrace how it feels, and what you would do. into its future. (Refer to the teachings of Nevelle Goddard). What are we really doing? We are generating power. stronger, leaner, faster, broader, neural-circuits in our brain. If thoughts become things, we can really utilize our awareness to direct or re-direct our thoughts, generate power, and have fun at playing this game, as oppose to not understanding what’s going on, or why we feel the way we do, constantly.  It’s our software. It’s how we function at the subconscious level.  This is why I LOVE the word “awareness”, and why I have it tattooed all down my arm. These are the techniques I’ve used to transform my life, how i’ve beaten intense drug addictions, suicide, and depression. We created new environments, why I care so much about my environment and people I surround myself with.

Now we may begin to understand why placebo is so effective. Every cell in our body is eavesdropping in on our thoughts!

Can I take it up one ore level?

If our bodies are 70 percent water, as well as our earth, I wonder what the relationship – there is. (by now you know I’m a nerd!) With more people collectively thinking more positively, more compassionatly do you think there will be a faster vibration in the air? How would earth respond.Would the affects triple into the cosmos? How far can we go with this? Why do you think television pumps negative energy into our subconscious mind. They are programming us. Hence the term watching a program! haha We are water to stay the same, and vibrate at a low speed because of the POWER OF COLLECTIVE POSITIVE THINKING,  and the relationship it has with our world. This is will get deep in to another time.

Transtioning from 3D into 5D, is not flying on a ship into a new dimension, its a new level of being, of understanding, a point of reference, a mindset, a collective, cosmic, mindset, that has crazy potential for things we may not, as a species, even seen yet. Together, let’s grow.


OK, Lots Of Thought Provoking Material

What are your major takeaways?


For us…

Maybe waking up and feeling grateful for what we have isn’t a joke, even if we don’t have much at all but breath in our lungs.

Pain is real, and we don’t want to not feel pain. We want to feel the emotion. But were not absorbing it if it’s detrimental. We will observe it, and stay in the lane of opportunity to grow.

Learn from mistakes and think positive.

Pump positive thoughts into the food we eat, by just saying thank you.

Although we can’t see this things in real time, we know, scientifically there is a relationship , and we live to explore that!

Thanks for reading!! (another pun? nvm)


One Way Ticket To Bangkok, Thailand – Magic Of Southeast Asia

Greetings Fellow Travelers, Coffee Enthusiasts, and Explores of The Inner- Arrangements of the Mind.

Tell me what it does, what it did, and what it do! Yo Yo Yo

Well, that  was then.  This is now~~~ The future is contained, right here. Will you stay a while?

Now that I’ve either got your attention, or completely lost you, now should be a perfect time so lets get into this! Shall we?

“That was then, this is now”


One Way Ticket To Bangkok, Thailand

Yeah, So what’s Good. My name is Thomas, TSPG, Thomas Soul Physique Geisler. We all got a little Soul Physique in us to give back to this world. Anyways Different Subject…. lbs (laughing emoji)

Childhood, and Life the Last few Years

Recently, Some things happened in my personal life. Talk about life changing. Well, My Sweet Mother Died, and went on peacefully to the other side. R.I.P the beautiful Jayne Geisler.  Forever she poured everything she had into little me, honestly I’ll forever be thankful and cherish her non-stop filming of me as a child while I’d bang on pots and pans like a rock star in Amsterdam, slide down the stairs like I was at an amusement park in Disney, or rollerblade on carpet, upstairs,  like I was at the Grammys with blades on with no shits given at 2am in the morning.

The last few years, I had to repay her generosity back in the form of a traditional care taker. I loved that women. For the record if I can find a girl as compassionate, as funny, and that called me out on my bullshit like she did, email me, ill leave my contact info at the bottom. lets get coffee. haha just kidding, seriously though.  She was my anchor.

For a lot of you that know me, you know about my fascination with spirituality, metaphysics, the relationship between imagination and consciousness, also our mind and its relationship to our experience.


We had A SUPER SMALL family, I’m talking small. No one else could really take care of her, I gladly owned that role though.  I could never leave for more then 5-10 days, AT  MOST. I did what I could from getting out to fitness certification courses around America, Going to Abraham and Esther Hicks conferences on learning about the unseen forces, or law of attraction, or SAND (Science and Non-duality) Conferences where some of the leading scientists, philosophers, and spiritualists, get together to talk about consciousness, where we are heading as a species, and our relationship to it all, and or… NVM you get the point.

I knew for the longest at least the last 5 years, that eventually, I’d leave, and that I’d explore these things, first hand for my self, on a real life fuc*ing basis, face to face, with some scary ass sh*t.

I’ve worked hard AF, and played my role as a good son, as a good man, as a good leader, knowing that one day it would pay off. I felt good about the role I was playing and the lessons they were teaching me.


With the chapter coming to an end, I quit my job on amazing terms, with a what I like to think a wonderfully written  Letter Of Resignation, with 2 months of warning.


I listened to the whisper of the wind, through the silence of my mothers physical absence I heard her say go in friction between the leaves where I was sitting that day.  When it came to deciding where I was going to go, I opened myself up, and Southeast Asia just dropped into my mind like a drooped location pin in your Imessages. Instantly I got thrillbumps, and I scurried to research the area. I found, Fuc*ing Bangkok, Thailand. I knew I’d start there. I knew that this was no small Journey. My eyes took me on my potential Route I would be taking in SE Asia. I calmly said yes, and acknowledged the pull in my heart as if I had just set sail.  I knew in the depths of my spirit, within the essence in myself, that this was the time, for me to make sure all of my bases were covered and jump into these unknown coordinates, and bring my Sweet Mother With me.

I listened to the whisper of the wind, through the silence of my mothers physical absence I heard her say go in friction between the leaves where I was sitting that day.


Well, I am going to study the layer of magic that connects us to all things. I am going to explore culture, people, energy, vibration, consciousness, and the field of intelligence that is interconnected with it all. To apply my teachings as a human, in which is contained in knowing nothing at all.  I am going to explore why we are different, more so why we are the same. I want to shut my fuc*ing mouth. I want to ask quality questions, to myself, and others. In spirit, inspired by love. In purpose, on purpose, in divine timing, open to the serendipitous experiences that some call un meaningful coincidences.

Sh*t is about to get real AF, and I will be Documenting a lot of my experience, personal lessons, and glimpses into the layer of  magic, and the phenomena that guides all of life!



This is a glimpse into my life. Not more important than anyone else’s. This is what chapter I am entering. This is Who I am. Thank you for reading, lets explore!!!  If any of this moves you, or gives you the inspiration that you too, can risk it all, for something personally meaningful, that is awesome and beautiful! If not take it with a grain a salt, and carry on! Although I crazy appreciate your time and love! You and All my followers are super appreciated! I feel as if we are all where we are supposed to adding to the totality of the whole, and the unraveling of consciousness and the human spirit. Well, technically this world just wouldn’t be the same without you.

Love and Fuc*ing light









Fundamental Vibrations – De -Mystifying Creation

What is going on team!

Vibration. What a simple, cool, stimulating word, that not all the time gets the credit it may or may not deserve.

For me, Vibration has changed my life. It’s helped from releasing drug addiction, unhealthy people, unhealthy habits, all by understanding the fundamentals of vibration.

Some one times our kinda get so use to a certain pattern of thinking. It becomes use to a certain vibration associated with your thoughts.

For me, in knowing this, I had to change my environment, consciously be aware of my own bull shit, change my thought patterns to something of a higher, positive vibration.

I began to use the tool of self-awareness to deepen my understanding for the relationship between the inner arrangements of my mind to my personal experience.

Fun thought provoking material today! Now that I have cleared a lot of vibrational space in my being, by leaving my job, I have a pure intent to express through many of my personal space and public platforms through shit I’m passionate about!

Today was was the warm up !

Tha ks for giving her a small read and a little of your attention!

Love and light

Thomas SoulPhysique Geisler th0glz7z0f


For Me, What I Believe To Be Important For The Evolution Of Concsiousness-(#182 of 365)

Lovely Awareness

For me, In my life, I began to feel a dramatic change in presence when I began stepping back from immediate auto-pilot mode, and started feeling out where I was in space and time.  More just space.  There is a space inside of us, within our minds, into our hearts that connects us with the infinite field.

please let me know what you think and share your ideas! Love to All!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Learning To Not Rush The Process- (#148 of 365)

Evoultion of Conciousness is a very interesting topic for me and many others, but I’ve been realizing (paradoxically speaking) ((which is awesome)) the more the actively talk about it in specifics people that are not ready for the tid bits of info will often shit you down, and leave them feeling even more vulnerable to the subject! In most cases, where as if you live in your truth and connect with like minded people along your passion the purpose of heighting awareness and the evolution of Conscious’s will of taken care of it self.  Not to say that for some who are ready to get blown away with awesome info isint bad because we need that too! Haha we need all of it!!

Just my thoughts today!!! I hope everyone has an amazing day!!!!! Love to sall!!✨✨✨


Thank YOU for your Support!!!!!! -(#139 of 365)

Thank you All so much for checking me out! I am so humbled by begginning to create a community of like minded people as well as joining communities with such powerful ideas! 💡

cheers to the future! Love to All!!✨✨

TSPG Home G Helping bring us closer to Source 🌐 #Fibonacci