For Me, What I Believe To Be Important For The Evolution Of Concsiousness-(#182 of 365)

Lovely Awareness

For me, In my life, I began to feel a dramatic change in presence when I began stepping back from immediate auto-pilot mode, and started feeling out where I was in space and time.  More just space.  There is a space inside of us, within our minds, into our hearts that connects us with the infinite field.

please let me know what you think and share your ideas! Love to All!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Rise To The Occasion- (#133 of 365)

Rise To The Occasion 

We are Powerful.  In my research, before just being human experienceing the physical we are powerful vibrational beings experiencing a frequency that we created first and foremost within ourselves.  For me, I’ve found before I try to figure out my life, I meet my self on a very personal level.  To learn to control our destiny, we must learn how to control ourselvs.  I do not encourage for people to go out and try to figure everything out. I always recommend (at least what’s worked for me) is to learn about themselves.

What ever we are trying to experience in life, weather we are conscious of it or not is a result our our embodied manifestations and frequencys we emmit.  So…..

rising to the occasion means vibrationally rising to that frequency we desire , and dropping of that frequency we are dissatisfied with! Just some ideas that have worked for me!! Love to All ! Hope you enjoy!